Friday, August 28, 2009

i am heaven sent...don't you dare forget.

right now explaining to jaymes why i like bmth. but anyway let me tell you about my wonderful day...
it started off with me sleeping from 6am-8am because i certain british ex coke head kept me up all night. so i got to school around 9am, for some reason they got a new lady to work in the box at the bottom of the stairs. so i hit the button and she's like "what do you need" and i'm like i'm a student and go to school? i need a number two with fries and a coke. so it takes her like five hours to let me in and while i'm waiting this giant spider comes down and attacks me. i have this giant water in my hand and i smack it down and scream well because i'm mandalyn...and i stomp on it killed it then the mysterious new lady was like "THE DOOR IS OPEN!!!!!" and i went in and this other lady was like "mandalyn corse you are going straight to the office" i had to explain to her that i'm terrified of spiders and it tried to eat me! then i went to school saw larry :D and i was happy.
so later on that i night i asked my friend danay if she was going to see the heisman hopefuls(my favorite local band) and she told me she'd be over in an hour. things were looking up because i kind of have a thing for the lead singer ;P. so she came and got me and we started off. there was a buch of traffic so we had to get off this exit. somehow we missed our turn to get back on high way so we pulled off to turn around and it stopped!!! we couldn't get it started again! mean while it is pouring we're stuck there waiting for her dad to come. so we tried to sleep but i had to had to eat and she needed to pee so we got out to walk to a gas station and we didn't see anything around us so we thought why don't we knock on somebodys door. so we knocked on this one house nobody answered so we went to the next house and they ended up being these amazing people. they let us in and gave us food and we watched a movie. they had an adorable daughter and a beautiful house. so it ended up being an ok night. i'm going off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. that is an amazing story. someday, i hope my car breaks down with you in it. <3
