Friday, October 2, 2009

well i can't regret it, can't you just forget it?

tonight i'm staying with basia at her house. she's on her new lab top and i'm on her old computer. which is how we spend most nights, i'm used to blogging and what not with somebody because thats what we do at jamies. i miss jamie dearly. i miss alot of things about my summer.
the freedom, sleeping all day long, staying up all night, still talking to alot of people that no longer want anything to do with me. summer is long gone and the cold weather has taken over.
tomorrow i'm probably going to go freeze (freesen) at the football game. the first one i've been to all year. but oh well. some days i enjoy my life and the people in it. while other days i want to slaughter them all.
thats pretty much it.